Dr. Richard Lukenda
1093 Raritan Rd, Ste 1, Clark, New Jersey 07066

Are Dental Implants Safe in the Long Run?

Is Dental Implants Safe in the Long Run? | Linden | Cranford

Well, with a missing tooth you might be planning to head for the only solution and that is dental implant. However, the other queries lingering in your mind may be this: whether a dental implant is the long-term solution for your tooth or not? In our previous blog, we have explained how are dental implants in Linden affixed with bone grafting? Before heading to meet a Dental implant dentist Scotch Plains, you need to know if this is the solution in the long run as well. Visit Dr. Richard Lukenda at Lukenda Dental for your dental implants to avail flawless service.

8 Points That Show Dental Implants in Cranford Are Safe in The Long Run:

  1. Less Care:

    Dental implants in Kenilworth are a standard treatment by Dental implant dentist for missing teeth. They look just like real teeth. These, in fact, require no major maintenance apart from your oral hygiene. You need to brush regularly, possibly twice a day and floss to maintain cleanliness of your teeth and gums. The studies done on Dental Implants in Linden suggest that Dental implants near me are effective and safe in the long term for the majority of the people.

  2. No Unnecessary Damages:

    Dental implants near me in Cranford do not have any chance to fall out or loosen. Also, because of the treatment procedure nearby teeth are not affected in any way. Thus, dental implants in Cranford do not adversely affect the functionality or appearance of other healthy teeth.

  3. No Pain:

    Dental implants in Scotch Plains will not lead to any pain. You can have this procedure under sedation to get rid of any of your anxiety or worries.

  4. Won't Fall Off:

    Dental implants in Colonia are not like dentures which usually slip off your mouth while laughing or chewing. Since dental implants are permanent fixtures, these will not fall off. The implants are placed by Dental implant dentist in Cranford using a surgical process and are implanted into the jawbone.

  5. Durable:

    Dental implant dentist in Colonia are crafted out of durable and non-corrosive material. These are just like natural teeth and will preserve the jawbone and lessen bone resorption.

  6. Feel of Natural Teeth:

    Dental implants near me in Colonia will give you the feel of natural teeth and hence can stay intact for long term. The look, feel and functionality are just like natural teeth. Dental implant dentist in Linden treats you to give you the confidence to eat, laugh and join any social activities wherein you don't have to bother about getting embarrassed.

  7. Preserve Jawbone:

    Dental implants in Cranford help you preserve your jawbone structure because much of nearby space is not required to accommodate space for implants.

  8. Worth the Long Term Cost:

    Dentures might be cheap, but implants by dental implant dentist in Rahway are worth spending in the long term. Dental implants near me Scotch Plains are bit pricier than dentures but have an average longevity of around 25 years. Take proper care of them and they will last longer than you can imagine.


If you are looking for dental implants in Cranford, Linden, Garwood, Scotch Plains, Kenilworth, Winfield, Rahway or Colonia, consider Lukenda Dental Implant and General Dentistry where Dr. Richard Lukenda practices. Browse through our website of Lukenda Dental for more information. Dial us at 732-314-7297 to have a conversation right away.

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    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
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