Dr. Richard Lukenda
1093 Raritan Rd, Ste 1, Clark, New Jersey 07066

What You Should Know About Emergency Dental Implants

What You Should Know About Emergency Dental Implants

That feeling of fear that sets in when you break or lose a tooth is all too common. It's important to act quickly in order to mitigate the damage and get back on the road to a mouthful of healthy teeth. Emergency dental implants in Linden is an option that can help you achieve this goal. In a previous blog post, we discussed everything you need to know about emergency dental implants However, in this blog post, we will understand what exactly you should know about emergency dental implants.

What Is an Emergency Dental Implant?

Dental implants have titanium posts that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. These posts act as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth, providing a secure foundation for the replacement tooth.

In the event of a dental emergency, such as a broken or lost tooth, immediate implantation can be provided for optimal results. Emergency dental implants are designed to be installed within 24 to 48 hours, so they provide fast relief for those experiencing severe pain or missing teeth. When an emergency implant is required, standard steps are followed:

Standard Steps for Emergency Implant Procedure:

  1. Extracting the damaged tooth properly.
  2. Surgically inserting the post firmly into the socket.
  3. Securing a temporary crown or cap.
  4. After the implant has had ample time to settle, a permanent crown can be securely affixed in place.

Qualified Candidate for Emergency Dental Implants:

Not everyone is a good candidate for emergency dental implants. Generally, you must be in good overall health and have healthy gums with enough bone to support the implant. Following people should avoid getting emergency or immediate implants:

Individuals Who Should Avoid Emergency or Immediate Implants:

  1. Periodontal disease
  2. Tooth decay
  3. Signs of infection
  4. Heart disease or diabetes
  5. Regular smokers

An emergency dental implant may require you to have follow-up visits to ensure proper healing and avoid infection.

Why Get Emergency Dental Implants?

Emergency dental care in Linden provides various benefits that make them an attractive option for restoring missing or damaged teeth. The process is typically faster than traditional implantation, meaning you can get back to your normal lifestyle sooner.

Emergency dental implant dentistry in Linden also provides increased stability since they are placed directly into the bone, meaning your new tooth will feel and function just like a natural one. Emergency implants can also help you avoid the need for more invasive dental procedures making it a cost-effective option for restoring your smile.

Emergency Dentist Near Me in Linden:

If you find yourself in need of swift and reliable service to restore your damaged or missing teeth, getting emergency dental implants is an ideal solution. If you are looking for an answer to 'Dental implants near me in Linden' or ' Dental surgeon near me in Linden ,' Consider Dr. Richard Lukenda, an emergency dentist located in Linden, if you are in search of dental services. Dr. Lukenda and his team are experienced, knowledgeable, and thoughtful when it comes to your dental needs, such as dental implants, RCT, All on four, and more in Linden.

For more, browse through our website of Lukenda Dental: Implant and General Dentistry or call us at 732-314-7297 right now.

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