Dr. Richard Lukenda
1093 Raritan Rd, Ste 1, Clark, New Jersey 07066

Are Dental Implants a Part of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Are Dental Implants Part of Cosmetic Dentistry | Linden | Cranford

A person with a pearly white smile is sure to make a long-lasting impression on people. Our teeth are sensitive and can get damaged readily if not cared for. Today the field of cosmetic dentistry has grown by leaps and bounds. In our previous blog, we have explained about 4 signs you need dental implants in Cranford to your tooth problems. Visit Lukenda Dental Implant and General Dentistry to get your dream smile from a cosmetic dentist in Colonia.

Understanding Dental Implants in Colonia:

Dental implants in Cranford are nothing but an advanced cosmetic dental procedure that helps you to fix your damaged tooth. It gives you the opportunity to replace your broken tooth through a cosmetic procedure called dental implants.

The Procedure of Dental Implants in Kenilworth:

When you get a dental implant there are three surgical procedures you must undergo. In the first dental procedure, the dental implant dentist in Garwood will drill a hole into the jaw bone and stitch the gums in the same manner it looked before.

During the second surgical procedure, the dental implant dentist in Cranford makes an insertion into the gum to allow the dental implant to be more visible. It usually happens after a gap of a few months. Finally, in the third surgical procedure, the dental implant dentist in Colonia installs a bridge or crown and thereby completing the procedure of dental implant.

Dental Implants in Winfield Are Part of Cosmetic Dentistry Because:

1. The Ideal Cosmetic Option:

Many other cosmetic dentists in Cranford use dentures. At Lukenda Dental-Implant and General Dentistry, we have a team of expert dental implant dentists in Cranford who will give your teeth a natural feel, thereby boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

2. Aesthetically Pleasing:

Apart from fixing the damaged tooth, dental implants in Rahway also help you increase your aesthetic. Dental implants serve two distinct purposes; they help you to increase the functional ability of your teeth and also help you leave behind your low self-esteem.

3. Long Term Solution:

Though the process of getting a dental implant looks intensive, it is the best procedure to fix your damaged tooth. It is comprehensive. Dental implants in Kenilworth are not temporary but an ideal long term solution.

4. Maintenance is Uncomplicated:

Our cosmetic dentists in Kenilworth will also suggest to you a dental routine and some preventive measures you must follow to maintain the health of your implants and your overall dental health.

Visit Our Dental Implant Dentist in Linden:

If you want to know more about dental implants in Linden and get that dazzling smile, visit Lukenda Implant and General Dentistry where Dr. Richard Lukenda practices. He is the finest cosmetic dentist in Rahway. They serve the locations of Garwood, Cranford, Winfield, Colonia, Rahway, Kenilworth, and Scotch Plains. Inspect our website to schedule an appointment or to browse through patient testimonials. For more information call us at (732) 428-4080 and schedule an appointment today.

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